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npr voices annoying

Sam Sanders, host of NPR's It's Been A Minute, records a segment at NPR West on September 24, 2018. You can read opened up by the person being interviewed by a magazine or newspaper and it makes me cringe. Their whole speach pattern changes. And, like uptalk, it seems to be used predominantly by female speakers. Is it a geographical thing? I am a white dude on the radio, and no one has EVER tweeted at me critiquing my voice. Someone told me it started with the Kardashians, which doesnt surprise me if thats true. Did college professors never say.hey, thats annoying and unprofessional? It seems to be the new normal. Thanks for reading and commenting with such a detailed response, Adrianne. Receive a detailed quote, custom audition, and the ultimate in voice quality. You missed uh, um, well you know( the three words used together). There are two in particular that drive me insane: different than and misnomer.. A tragic comment on our times, indeed. 12 pt times new roman double spaces face to face conversations. Who started this Have a good one! trend anyway? Im British and cant say Ive ever heard anyone say Yes, no to answer a question, so Im pretty sure its not trendy amongst British speakers. It feels very much like assumed humility and manipulation. Its on Noom commercials, too. I get all excited about what Im telling, when he suddenly blurts out, Finish a sentence! I am confounded; I get angry; I reiterate, for the umpteenth time, I cant help it! There are so many more. THANK YOU for this! The best example is stuDENT. Public radio should mean that all voices, relaying solid reporting, are respected enough to inform the country. Ive noticed an increase in the pronunciation of to as tyoo but it seems more frequent when the speakerthey seem to be mostly femaleelongates the word, perhaps suggesting that its said when the speaker is having a moment of reflection or being pensive; that it is becoming universal on television news and commentary is undeniableand is becoming an annoyance, These are probably the same girls that used to (or possibly still do ) say things like stop itah!! If I were grading you, your report would get, at best, a C-," the listener from Missouri concluded. Other wise, this is mostly normal talk for everyone. I recently discovered cursive writing has been dropped, so do schools no longer teach how to construct a sentence? Vocal fry is one of the main voice complaints sent to the Invisibilia team, said project manager Liana Simstrom, who handles audience engagement for the narrative podcast about human behavior. Can you tell us about the car accident you witnessed today? Im not an imbecile who is unable to follow a connected train if thought! You might think of Terry Gross' velvety timbre. Its EVERYWHERE on tv, the news reporters and movies. Then there is the over use of the word Like & So OMG! THAT is annoying. Youre not crotchety. No more changing anything. Im not sure if this was mentioned, but it seems to be an epidemic to list things and use the same pitch patterns ( high, medium, then lower). Is it the c thats throwing them, or are they getting it confused with the word anxious? Thank you for a great opportunity to express & learn. All of this is from one person. EXAMPLE: I got a call back from this employer offering me the job. Someone mentioned literally here and now that I think of it that one annoys me when I hear the younger members of the family use it, as well as actually. I dont care where you are from, how heavy your accent is of that area or even if you dont have a higher education, but if you can speak in a way that is commanding (rather than many of the demanding ways people converse now), you can talk about any subject, and I will be interested. Most of us know the way we speak may change depending what social situation were in. Uptalk or up speak are newer terms for ARI or Australian Rising Inflection which I am told is where it began. I agree with many of the annoying speech discussed here. Those filler words of such concern to some listeners are especially likely to slip in on live radio, when there is no opportunity to edit out mistakes or other problems. I refuse point blank to allow anyone to communicate with me other than within the acceptable parameters of good spoken and written English i.e. Young women of all nationalities reporting from the most secluded parts of the world use these odd tones, rhythms and inflections. I am thankful for people like you, who are still standing for some standards in a young society that is so quick to discard and dismantle anything that seems to be inconvenient or in any way challenging to their accepted, and often sub-par standards. The staccato, infantile voices of the most cultured, educated, experienced, expert young women must have some scientific basis. It is not just annoying, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. If I am in another room from the TV and a female news anchor is speaking, it seems all I can hear are explosive ah and eh sounds. Soft, gentle words rising to hard, forceful preaching, followed by applause and cheering! Its bazaar. If it can be misused, so much the better. And they do it a lot. I hope youll be disturbed too. Ummm also people who ummm say ummmm uncontrollably as well as the yeah, no phrase that is everywhere. I believe young women demonstrate many of these generational tics in an attempt to make themselves sound more attractive: The vocal fry to try to avoid high-pitched speech; the moan at the end of sentences to make it sexier; the schwa-ing to sound more intelligent. I appreciate its a casual, off the cuff chat with the 2 male hosts (in their late 30s possibly) who are intelligent & one was a teacher in London! How can there or here not be ON the ground, if it is, ON the ground. Aha, I see what you did there. Im not trying to be critical or mean, but it used to be if you had a speech impediment, you went to speech therapy and got rid of it before you went on public media. Merry fucking xmas. Yet literally all of my female colleagues get constant criticism for how they speak or sound. Even politics reporter Detrow, who doesn't hear from listeners about his voice, said he evaluates his own interviews. Yet its undocumented. As a young woman who sometimes subconsciously dips into this lower vocal register, I don't even notice when radio reporters speak with vocal fry. In addition, Ayesha is really the smartest and most inspiring reporter in Washington D.C. and speaks with an African-American Vernacular English accent while reporting. Comments like that don't bother or surprise Fortir. Would my friends laugh if I developed the chirpy voice? So, after reading literally every single comment, I am pondering the question; is it ironic that were all complaining about an enormous range of vocal variants (or variations?) Who taught them to speak? I can deal with that but having to stand there and not be able to express a thought is just too much. Oh my Godd-uh! For example, mou- uhn, instead of moun-tain. The first example makes full-grown adults sound like a toddler who cant yet say his/her ts.. I often hear young women in their 20-40s, speak in a monotone for a few words and then raise the pitch to a a bit higher monotone level for a few words before ending sentence. Hansen coaches voice . The inflection pattern the hosts use in every sentence of every voice over is exactly the same. Were they all forced to attend the same course and drilled in this method before earning their hosting gigs? I think its lazy not to pronounce words correctly. As in, Yo, Im tellin you, shtraight up, this thing is yuge, aight?, Yes, no I dont like all of those bad habits either AND the inverse No, yes we should all be aware these speech patterns are happening increasingly.. Beyond annoying. Its hard to come up with additional topics, since so many of the biggies were already discussed. Youre totally right. Amongst a lot of youre vocabulary mistakes is one that makes me sick, the yank way of saying, mirror, they say Mirrrrr. My wife has been sucked in and watches all of these, albeit now in private, as I spend most of my time pointing out how these dumb narcissistic losers, sap the very life out of all right-thinking folks within humanity. New to me and I have grandchildren ranging from preschoolers to early 20s are the following: Ending a sentence with soyeah. Which is quite frankly one of the more annoying habits. Yeah, Ill second that motion. airlines. Some of it likely occurs between people very familiar with each other. Perhaps its an attempt to prevent them from rushing their sentences. Shes in her mid-50s and old enough to know better. Person 2: So South African farmers are facing difficult times nowadays "It has expanded my own understanding of the world and the people you have brought on board are excellent," he wrote. Vocal Frrry One sound that some listeners are still adjusting to is often-called "vocal. "If you sound like America, then it's America that's talking. Thanks for confirming that its a new thing. Another more recent pattern I hear most often by women is speaking in the low register of their voice. Dont do that-ah! Its so annoying-gah!. The education system. There is a good example of a migraine remedy commercial intoned by Khloe Kardashian. For me, the whole So thing is one of these pet peeves that makes me want to smash whatever device Im hearing the word played upon. I first noticed vocal fry around 2007 when two young female supervisors of mine would literally end each sentence with 4 to 5 seconds of vocal fry. Fly them in and leave them in the outback. The vocal twerk I hear in men (mostly) is Listenfeels like a subtle form of bullying. thas instead of thats (which is the abbreviation for that is) What brought me here was the irritating way young females pronounce thank you. I stand self-corrected. Also, using lol in a sentence is not only idiotic, and outdated, but it makes the commenter appear mentally retarded. Maybe thats it. I notice my three year old great-grandson now says I really miss you guys when he used to just say I miss you., Some other annoying trends are 1) super, totally and uber for very After she pointed this out to me, I hear an appalling number of people that half hiss/lisp when they speak on reputable news programs. These are examples of bad grammar, mispronounced words, and slang. Real News Host: You used the term space repeatedly. I believe they are taught this mode of delivering content. 3) Ordering at a restaurant or the like, saying Ill DO the instead of lll order the or Ill have the. I think one that bothers me the most (and one worth further discussing) is the ever common not quite lisp that Ive noticed a lot in the media, especially when watching news anchors/reporters (as it is their job to clearly convey the report). The difference in their abilities to communicate well, resolve conflicts, and reach desired goals with less confusion is notable. the kind of and sort of virus has been making the rounds of cable news hosts and pundits, and its literally driving me crazy, you know what i mean? This is supposed to be pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable: STUdent. As a result, many teachers stopped teaching it. Thank you Baz for this eloquently written commentary. To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. It sounds so phony . caused your repeated use of the vague term, space, without a specific Its far from the only silent letter in spoken English. Eleanor Beardsley, and other unique female radio voices. So So, youll also find this one at the beginning of a sentence, namely as a way to manage the conversation and sound fairly authoritative (or condescending). My current pet hate is the need for the speaker to promise to tell the truth as in To be honest, or Im not gonna lie, and then proceeds to reveal some piece of bland trivia! Ugh! I hear it a lot among sports commentators and analyzers on tv and radio. It is hard to describe but Ive narrowed it down to when a woman has to tell a story or recount something that has a list of things in it. I think that the person doing it wants to signal that they would have more to say about a thing but they really do not have any more ammunition. (Said in a condescending nerd voice: So. The other annoyance is when someone announces this is a problem as this? Second one: the pin/pen merger. To me, that sounds idiotic and uppity, not to mention the hyper pronunciation. Every time I hear her voice, I immediately reach for the volume and turn it down. How do these people even get the job? This past year has seemed a bit empty at times when social isolation has become the new normal. I think it is annoying when people answer a question with, Yes, no It seems trendy with Britsh speakers. Theres another pronunciation of words that drive me to distractionor in this case I should say diSHtraction. I get far more hung up on language misuse, though. An overheard conversation: The other day I was walkiiiiiing, and, like, this dude flicked a cigarette butt on the graaa-ound, and I said, hey! One the first of second episodes of Star Trek Discovery, I think thats the name, the captain says, thish traitor. For everyone posting examples of patterns, if its possible to include a link to a Youtube video that illustrates the example, that would really help everyone know exactly what you are talking about. Their thinking is that they are being fake if they change up. Politicians and reporters insist on saying Look before spewing a profound statement. Excellent analysis!!! I cant decide which I detest more- vocal fry or right. Also have you noticed that many reporters and tv personalities will repeat words over and over like that that that that,,,and, and, and and to to to to which is now ta ta ta ta (examplethey were going ta ta ta be there on Friday) etc. use of the phrase sort of in each statement you made. Im old, so I can state authoritatively that most on this list of annoying speech habits have been around for a long time, in fact as long as I can remember. 3 length vs. lenth, H (long a and ch) vs. (long a and shuss), streaming vs. shreaming. 2 the addition of ing to verbs It may have developed independently in both places. Do you see the bu**un? It irritates me to see UR instead of you are or switched RU ,are you? Ayesha Rascoe is an American journalist for NPR famous for her accent and distinctive voice for news delivery. Everything is now amazing. I mean Seriously? None of these up-and-coming phrases ever appear in scripts that I read for actual voice-over jobs or auditions. Theuse of such patterns do more than annoy the listener. In fact, theres a show on HBO where EVERY lady character has a speech impediment. ) These are commentators, announcers, and reporters!! Often theyll be a so tacked on to the start. I first noticed it when Joanna Gains talked and now I notice it everywhere. Profeasionally, it comes down to efficiency and economy not to waste talk time with meaningless utterances or distractions. Together with NPR's Training Team, she created a 10-minute voice coaching video, which offers tips to solve common vocal problems. And that show was probably a 5 year old rerun. Its lazy and not particularly descriptive. Today IS the first day of Spring 'Voice' Author Explores Accents, Language And What Makes A Tone Sexy writer John Colapinto says the development of vocal structures may have been the key to humans' becoming the dominant species. Hey Bob this original post was inspired from listening to NPRso you are not alone in your observations or annoyances at the kind of speech patterns readily available on our airwaves. However, Ive noticed a horrible trend, especially on Parcast, to have females doing commercials who sound like babies. Please shut up!!! Britain? Its also a telltale sign along with being a 20-something vlogger who films herself eating/showering/walking a rat dog of narcissistic personality disorder. Thank you so much, Debbie and Baz! The broadcasters at a local TV newsroom think that sentences end with three periods. Sad, but true. I would rather have my guests say the word "like" a lot or me say the word "like" a lot and have a richer, deeper, better conversation that goes more places than have everyone be buttoned up and stifled as guests and you never hear the word "like.". Look at what?? Also the use of words kiddo and doggo. But what to do with them then? It's not just one part of America or one slice of America," he said. For example someone says I went to the store, then the gas station, and then got something to eat. There are so many of these annoying speech patterns and they are contagious. very prevalent among high school kids and their teachers. She found that people over 40 heard the utterance without any creak as more authoritative, while people under 40 found both clips authoritative. Yes, Pattie Parker!! So. Fabulous opinions everybody: a terrific discussion! The other tying vote is dropping the t, as stated above or over pronouncing the t to make up for the cur-an, moun-an folk. Guest (author/pundit/wannabe politician): Sure, so, moving forward, we obviously want to first see what reopening would look like, then secure the strategic infrastructure to sort of make that happen in this space (apparent reference to safe space). I do not want to hear anyone speaking with mosquito tones. The one Ive noticed the most lately is the one mentioned by Mary N. And of course the extremely annoying vocal fry. ish instead of pronouncing it as iz. Our and Hour is pronounced and sounds the same. Its like the art of cursive, or long hand writing, which has also become a relic of the past for so many. Endlessly irritating to me and I agree, it does sound affected. I couldnt continue to watch. Consider Bertie Wooster in the Wodehouse Jeeves stories. Thats what it sounds like and it annoys me. OMG! Unfortunately its very prevalent down here in Australia. Do you experience this as an interviewer? These are just regional inflections, not errors per se. What is that??? YAY you found the bu**un I am dropping the mike now. thanks for reading and your comment! I wondered if I was alone in my discomfort. Look at any Hugh Grant movie, and youll see. They are rampant in the South. Playin, doin, shopping, talkin, and just today consultin. What about the other inflection/tone people use now when they list things out? I get annoyed when people on TV or radio speak too quickly while also using fillers such as umm or uh. My biggest pet peeve is, still, the overuse of like. after. The sound of 2020 America is a chirpy vocal fry. Sorry, but Im not pronouncing button as butt-ton. My spine is more aligned?. To me, thats like criticising someone who stutters, besides being a tool to stonewall me. Are they insecure, manipulative, dishonest, sans capacity for original, independent thought???? Tomorrow WILL be a hot day or If, however, its something that is correctable, I would like to know how, (NOT to be more pleasing or acceptible to him), so that I might be less annoying to more diplomatic persons like yourself . She pointed out that Ira Glass, the host of This American Life who has an iconic radio voice, uses a lot of vocal fry. Him: Im like did you see that? In I Have Some Questions for You, Makkai has carefully crafted a novel that inhabits a strange interstitial space between a whodunit, a crime novel with a few elements plucked from found footage . Speech patterns seem to trend quite quickly. Does anyone super agree? And, when a person says, you are smarter than I, the am is implied as in I am. Listing speak! For me, its the high-pitched, pinched, nasal voice that sounds so flat and grating from women on TV. attack becomes attawwk; radio becomes rawwdio. One thing that bothers me is when people pronounce the word ancient as ankshent. Epic, etc. Can I just start by saying that two very annoying vocal trends that have reached us here in the UK / Northern Ireland in recent years are up speaking and vocal fry, which are bad enough on their own. Voice. This listing or auctioneer way of speaking is an affectation from vlogs. Her words hold me hostage. Or it can negate what they just said, or preface a criticism or negative comment. We dont pronounce the t in soften, of fasten, or glisten. I cant understand why newscasters emphasize random words (often times its a verb) I didnt know there was a word for that! It really became a battle of negative personalities in a race to the bottom of common decency.. Everything and everyone is aMAzing. the talking heads are using these words in such sort of ridiculous ways that they make whatever theyre saying sound kind of foolish. That holds true for the sources NPR interviews on the air, just as it does for the voices of correspondents and hosts. My husband and I both react as though were hearing nails on a chalkboard when people speak as though theyre trying to manipulate us. Then on the other extreme we have ABSOLUTELY. YES! as f*ck immediately comes to mind, stupid-sounding phrases like SO MUCH YES! I also cannot stand everyone using the word Amazing to describe everything that is good. Its rampant. She suddenly realizes she slipped into AAVE for a few words because we were speaking casually. Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? The kids were GRADED on handwriting in their report cards, and it was considered an important skill. Thats probably (not proaly) one reason kids cant spell them correctly later. You are smarter than I am. I didnt read through all of the comments but one I didnt see mentioned is the common trend now, most especially (again) by young to even college aged females adding is it hipster talk? Like, what about the kids, like mostly girls, that like say the word like, like every other word. Filed Under: Fun Stuff Tagged With: Featured, patterns, speech, voice over style. Or I mean, Im not lyin when I say And I give a slight nod to the d in Wednesday. Basically, many people, young people and more often women, will take a short vowel sound and make it a schwa sound ie. its there, though much less pronounced (sic.). I was seriously annoyed . How NPR's Carrie Johnson found her radio voice. Not sure what thats called, maybe we should invent a name for it . Hansen strives to make quality performance accessible to everyone, whether as a performer, creator, strategic leader, or coach. Does anyone say FebRuary without sounding ridiculous? Pay attention and I promise youll start noticing these patterns in nearly every casual conversation you listen in on. Theres no k sound in the word, yet many people want to pronounce it as though there is. One will usually do the trick! There are some new kids on the block this year: In these trying times. If I hear this on TV I change the channel. So, it is not just me that notices this. 4) #pubradiovoice Sitting in host chair for first time I channeled white voice from Midwest and lost my own. There are a lot of great voices too though. In the series Heartland, it is practically half of the dialog. Also da for the has been trending. For example, instead of saying No they say NoUH. My goodness! Personally, I have a laundry list of poor speech and grammar pet peeves. No one says sof-ten or lis-ten or plumb-er. The bulk of revenues coming from programming fees, grants from foundations or business entities, contributions and sponsor-ships. Ugh! I hear these daily with the younger crowd at work, and it has become an epidemic, catching on with even older folks. Maybe it is that when I hear those tones I think Im about to be bitten. These kids are expected to go out in the real world and magically transform into people they were once never expected to be. You guys seems to be winning in the USA, so if it bothers you, Im afraid youre out of luck. It seems to me it takes more effort to speak a word without its T sound in the middle than to speak the word properly! fer instead of for (are they hillbillies?!) 4) adding definately before every verb 3) saying een for ingas in goeen or stayeen for going or coming Why? The word than demands a comparison of degrees, e.g., something is hotter/louder/more annoying than something else. It sounds like a popular catch phrase sports people use to show they are a sport person who know what they are talking about. We all must remember to keep our minds sharp and active. There are several blogs online, written by women who think society needs to stop being critical of their way of talking; i.e. Isnt it a long-standing fact, that all beings respond to melodious speech far more positively than, for example, a shriek. would. NPR has always kept American dialects and accents out of their reporting, but Vally-Girl seems to be OK. But I find it truly obnoxious that every other sentence (or more) begins with the word Look. I want to post it on Facebook. OMG! Im so glad I stumbled upon this story which consolidates all the worst habits of TV news people as well as the thread of reader responses. He transcribed what she had said, changed the text color of "a few errors" to red, and suggested his own improvements in green brackets. I have worked as a journalist for over 25 years, and I do not work in television for a reason. I found this post because I was looking for a video that addresses this. I also cant stand when people repeatedly mispronounce words. You forgot the most annoying example of all: that of swallowing the t Im the middle of a word, together with a glottal stop. Original, independent thought????????????. A detailed quote, custom audition, and outdated, but Vally-Girl seems to be Vally-Girl! ( not proaly ) one reason kids cant spell them correctly later up-and-coming! Do schools no longer teach how to construct a sentence his/her ts make quality performance accessible to everyone, as... So many of these up-and-coming phrases EVER appear in scripts that I read for voice-over. 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What Happened To Claudillea Holloway On The Voice, Articles N

npr voices annoying