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official harry potter house quiz

The hard thing is finding a way to conquer it. Find out with the Hogwarts Sorting Experience created by J.K. Rowling. Luminous Pool with something in its depths. If your classmate is prepared to win by cheating, he deserves to be found out. It literally contains the intelligence of the four founders, can speak (through a rip near its brim) and is skilled at Legilimency, which enables it to look into the wearers head and divine his or her capabilities or mood., Read More: Read Alan Rickmans Touching Goodbye Letter to Harry Potter. Godrics Hollow is named after him. Something for everyone interested in hair, makeup, style, and body positivity. Now he has come top of the class in Charms, beating you into second place. The advertisement was stereotyped as a house that a great wizard would not produce. Select the following items in a order you would save them: You and your friends want to cross a bridge which is guarded by a river troll. What would you be most curious to examine first? Hogwarts University was founded more than a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff. SAME! Which subject at Hogwarts would you be most interested in studying? Merlin is one particularly famous Slytherin. Now, we're assuming you're more than familiar with the four houses of Hogwarts, but here's a quick refresher, just in case. This is based on her attending and getting a degree from Brown University. I'm a ravenclaw through and through. I knew that I would be sorted into Hufflepuff in most of the other sorting I was sorted into Hufflepuff some was Gry, Your email address will not be published. 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tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color="#000000" tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color_hover="#f08080"], Air = Hufflepuff (patient, nature lover, flexibility, collaboration) Yellow, Water = Ravenclaw (wisdom, creativity, community, distance) Blue, Earth = Slytherin (ambition, cunning, waiting for the right Moment) Green, Fire = Gryffindor (Courage, Honor, Perseverance) Red. Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone. Obsessed with travel? It values courage, boldness, strength, bravery and determination. Notable members include Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy and (rather unfortunately) Lord Voldemort. And this Harry Potter House quiz will help you with this task. The question of which Hogwarts House a Harry Potter fan belongs to has been prevalent since the novels were first published in the 1990s, but thanks to the immense popularity of the movies, there are Hogwarts House sorting quizzes all over the internet. You might belong in Gryffindor, Your email address will not be published. Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Helga Hufflepuff are the four houses at Hogwarts that bear his name. As a brand, its not bad. I joined Pottermore and was sorted into..Gryffindor. Blaise Zabini Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Him? Hufflepuff is fair, just, humble, wise, and mean. He is also the voice of the Quidditch Through the Ages audiobook, which some Potter fans may recognize. Founded by Salazar Slytherin, the house is composed mostly of pure-blood students, due to its founder's mistrust of Muggle-borns.You probably exhibit traits such as cunning, resourcefulness, and ambition. Take our Harry Potter house quiz and find out where you would fit! Any witch or wizard who often gives the house a bad reputation but has distinctive characteristics. Are you ready to know which Hogwarts House do you belong to? Quiz: Which Obscure Harry Potter Character Are You? We come here with an interesting "Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz" for you. Its common room is located on the seventh floor. Harry Potter Houses He is best known for playing Neville Longbottom in the Potter movies. Represented by an eagle, her colors are blue and bronze. Study the answers and slip them back into Snape's office. We conducted a Harry Potter House Quiz to find out where to go. Being a huge Harry Potter fan, I took the Harry Potter House Quiz, and guess what; I share the same house as Harry Potter and Professor Dumbledore. What Secondary "Harry Potter" Character Are You. We are not associated with J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, or any of the individuals or companies associated with publishing the Harry Potter books and films. His common room is located in the dungeons under the Hogwarts lake and his ghost is the Bloody Baron. Very accurate! You are a Hufflepuff! If your classmate is willing to come in first by cheating, he deserves to be found out. A. Agree, and I will offer a sample of a jinx. Since then, this has been the case at the annual selection ceremony, where each freshman is introduced to themselves. Imagine being one of the new students at Hogwarts. Find out here!!!! Choose your favorite old-school WWE wrestler: If you needed to get into a locked door, how would you do it? He draws you to one side after his lesson and asks you whether or not your classmate used a forbidden quill. Ravenclaw is another residence that is often obscured by Gryffindor and Slytherin antics. Answer the following questions find out exactly what percentage you are from each house! Notable members include Newt Scamander, Cedric Diggory and Nymphadora Tonks. In the Harry Potter series, the four Houses of Hogwarts are called Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. Sorting Hat should decide where I should be. 5) The Ultimate Harry Potter Charms Class Quiz. Quiz: Which Iconic Harry Potter quote should be your life motto? Join your Hogwarts house, pose for your wizarding world portrait and more! Fisher is an actor, singer, and dancer. Sign up now. If you could make a potion that would guarantee you one thing, what would it be? What do you look at first? (BUT NOT OBSESSED WITH DrAcO mAlFoY). Reporting on what you care about. C. The other positive feature of Gryffindor is loyalty, which is always admirable. house you belong to? Your friend has a problem - they're being picked on! The golden potion causes bright sunspots for a dance around the room. i got slytherin but all of the other quisses i got ravenclaw, what should i belive? Take this quiz and find out. Actress Margot Robbie has revealed that she was sorted into Gryffindor after she took the Pottermore quiz. This will be the new home for everything that Harry Potter and the Fantasy Beasts can provide, and it will drive most of Potters things. Hufflepuff is a house that is often mistaken for the lowest grade. To this end, Godric Gryffindor decided to use his magic hat (hereinafter referred to as sorting hat) to let the children go to the house. You would be sorted into Hufflepuff, joining characters like Cedric Diggory, Newt Scamander, and Nymphadora Tonks. The green and silver house was initially founded by Salazar Slytherin and headed by our favorite professor Severus Snape. Assembled at the Great Hall among your fellow initiates, your path to becoming a true wizard will be decided by a literal talking hat that will group you along with students of similar character and potential. Proceed with caution, keeping one hand on your concealed wand and an eye out for any disturbance? You have reached your limit of 4 free articles. You would not wait to be asked to tell Professor Flitwick the truth. This is because it would give them a safe place to work. To achieve their ends." Or, are you a Slytherin like Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, and Horace Slughorn? The house has produced its share of great wizards not least Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Members of Ravenclaw are generally intelligent and creative. Indeed, Pottermore has reported on the past supremacy of Slytherin against Gryffindor in fields such as the Quidditch Cup. This may surprise you, but there is no doubt about it. As a result, he is probably the most famous Hufflepuff in the world. The golden liquid so bright that it hurts the eye, and which makes sunspots dance all around the room. How would you react? Then this Harry Potter House Quiz is for you. Have you taken the quiz already? Students of whom the Sorting Hat has taken more than five minutes to sort are said to have triggered a Hatstall. Join your Hogwarts house, pose for your wizarding world portrait and more! Set Gryffindors apart. In an interview with Buzzfeed, it was revealed that Kelly-Marie Tran (who is best known for her appearance in Star Wars: The Last Jedi), was sorted into Ravenclaw after taking the quiz. RavenclawRavenclaws prize wit, learning, and wisdom. They chose to split the students into four houses, each bearing their surnames and featuring young wizards and witches who displayed abilities and personalities they wanted to nurture. Jordan Fisher revealed on Twitter that he is a proud member of Ravenclaw. He also revealed that he is a huge Harry Potter fan in general. We previously made a quiz on which character in the series you are but knowing which house youre in is on a different level. Wondering which Hogwarts house you belong to might as well be an Olympic sport at this point. Where dwell the brave at heart, They are active, unique, and proud of not having Slytherin. Student's Records. SO I'M SLYTHERIN AND PROUD!!! We come here with an interesting "Pottermore Sorting Hat Quiz" for you. According to Pottermore, Helga was very skilled at food-related charms. Choose from the options given, which best suits you. As a result, she is easily the most famous member of Slytherin (in the real world). 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official harry potter house quiz